Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There's always next year

We tried growing sweet potatoes this year. Gurneys sells a variety that is supposed to grow in the north, so we decided to try them. Unfortunately, they were back-ordered and we didn't get them until almost a month after our intended planting date.

We kept them fairly protected through our frosts and freezes until last week, when we decided to let the plants die and see what we got from them.

It was a disappointment.

However, don't all gardeners have failures and just chalk them up to experience? And don't gardeners then say "Next year will be different"?

Like typical gardeners, optimistic to the end, we may try growing them again next year. We'll see how good our memories are when it's time to order seeds.
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1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you didn't grow "fingers!" That's what it looks like!!YIKES!


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