The Bible quizzing season is back. This year, the quizzers will work their way through the book of Matthew.
It's different this year, with Julianne trying her hand as quizmaster, and Allison quizzing without her. Another reminder that they're growing up quickly.

In individual competition, Allison ended up placing 3rd.
It's different this year, with Julianne trying her hand as quizmaster, and Allison quizzing without her. Another reminder that they're growing up quickly.
In individual competition, Allison ended up placing 3rd.
Allison was able to join with another team for the team competition. They were supposed to have another quizzer, but she was sick the day of the quiz. The two remaining girls still managed to take third place in the team competition.
We are hopeful that Allison will have a team of her own by next quiz. She and Julianne have recruited their friend, Molly, to join in the fun and we may yet add another quizzer from our church. Even if no one else from our church joins, Allison and Molly will be able to compete as a two person team and oh, my, are they ever looking forward to it.