Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Making Ricotta

While the Mozzarella making was underway, the kids were also making a batch of Ricotta.

They used citric acid in the milk, but they didn't need the rennet.

Julianne stirred and stirred to keep the milk from sticking as it heated.  Max was the temperature-checker, which was a worse job because he had to hold his hand closer to the hot milk than she did as she stirred.

They strained it through cheesecloth, then hung it from a wooden spoon to allow the whey to finish draining.

It was quite tasty with crackers.

And again, the process was actually simpler than I would have expected.
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  1. Oh YUM!! Until recently it never even occurred to me that you could actually make cheese at home. I'm dying to try this!!

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  3. Yum! My daughter tried making ricotta a few months ago and it came out pretty good.

  4. Where is my "Julianne graduating" post?! I need to see pictures!
    Love ya!

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