Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Power outage

We lost our power Sunday night so I made dinner by lamplight on Monday.  I was thankful for my gas range which allowed me to light the burners by hand so I could cook.

I have a collection of oil lamps and am always glad to have a reason to put them into use.  We have a woodstove in our living room, which helped keep the house more comfortable.  Clarence got his generator running so we wouldn't lose all the contents of our refrigerator and freezers.  The weather, though very windy, was not terribly cold which would have made things more difficult.  As it was, we had a lot to be thankful for.

After about 24 hours, the power came back on and our pioneer party was over.  It was a long week.
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  1. We have had surprisingly mild temps here. It's been windy. What a blessing to have a gas stove and your pretty oil lamps. Oh and the generator. Pioneer living in the 21st century…


  2. Ugh, we lost power too, thank goodness for the generator! We had power again by 3:30 pm but by then I was so traumatized by the outage we had to go to Chilis for dinner ;>) Oh, the humanity!


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