Friday, April 16, 2010

Another child's perception...

Mom and I visited her oncologist Thursday. It's been four or five months since her last check-up and the news was all good. Her doctor joked with her, and told her that he has sick people who need to see him more than she does. She doesn't have to return for 6 months this time. We were pretty happy to hear that!

The girls were attending a concert with friends last night so their adopted grandparents kept them overnight and delivered them to our friends' house for me.

When they got home last night, I was telling them about the appointment and mentioned that the doctor told Mom she "looked like a million bucks". Allison said "Whoa, whoa, whoa! To him, if Grandma looked like a million bucks, wouldn't that mean she looked really sick?"


  1. Ahhhh...the wit of a teenager!
    Thankfully, that wasn't what the Dr was saying.

    Becky K.

  2. Oh, how I love that girl. lol :)

  3. lol! Oh my goodness... She's so awesome :). All the food is delicious Keeka! Itried some of tha bierock and it's yummy!!! I love you!


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