Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg was the book we did with our FIAR group for May.
We were thrilled to have a couple of men join us who are members of a Civil War group. They are history buffs who take a tour of a different battlefield each year. They had a lot to share with us and their passion for the topic made it very interesting for the kids. They brought a couple of minie bullets and shell fragments, as well as a drummer boy's walking stick, as visual aids.
This gentleman actually read the book ahead of time and was able to pull out several incidents in the story and explain them more fully. We haven't had a lot of guest speakers but he was still the first one to ever read the book before coming. We were all impressed by that!
We had ginger cookies with sugar on top (because Homer ate some in the story) and had an art lesson based on the painting The Veteran in a New Field. It had been a long time since we had done any Civil War titles and the kids had a great time learning about it again.
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