Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Bible Quiz

Yesterday was a regional quiz including teams from Michigan, Ohio, New York, Indiana, and Illinois. One coach I talked to said it took them seven hours to get there-thankfully, we only had a couple hours' drive.

Allison's team got second place after losing-for the first time this year-to a team from New York. They lost by one question, which always makes an exciting round to watch.

Julianne's team also took second place in their division, losing to a team from Indiana. They also lost by only one question.

Neither of my girls made it past the prelims in individual competition. I spent the day working in the stats room, and I think there was only one Michigan kid who made it to the final round. Those out of state quizzers are a force to be reckoned with!

One more regular quiz next month, followed by another regional, and then nationals. These regional quizzes give the kids a chance to see what the competition will be like at nationals and hopefully, they are encouraged to study harder. Plus, it's just fun to pile a bunch of excited kids into cars, play crazy games as you drive for hours, and meet new people you don't quiz against routinely, right?
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