Friday, October 14, 2011

Renaissance Festival

Back in September, my Aunt Barb offered us three tickets she'd won to the Renaissance Festival. Since we had been learning about the Renaissance in history recently, and it would only cost us the price of one admission, we decided to go. Clarence and I had gone years ago, back before kids, and were less than impressed, but were hopeful that it had improved in the interim.

We didn't arrive there until 2, by the time we got some items off our to-do list. I worried that we would be sorry we hadn't allowed more time before they closed.

We walked in, started looking around, and my girls' first impression was that it wasn't a Renaissance festival at all, but was actually a Medieval festival instead. Much darker than the name implied to them. I had to agree.

The girls were ready to leave almost immediately. We kept strolling, hoping to find something to catch our interest. We enjoyed watching the glass blowers for a bit while Clarence watched some jousting but there was little else we bothered to stop to watch. It felt like a waste of a beautiful afternoon.

As we made our way back out, however, the day was redeemed.

The potter who made Clarence's favorite mug ever was there!

I'm sure, since this was the Renaissance Festival, that these are actually tankards but we like to think of them as really big coffee mugs. Allison's is on the left, Julianne's is the center one, and mine is on the right. (Clarence got one too, but he carries it every morning so it's never here for a picture.)

We don't plan to go ever again but we've been enjoying our tankards mugs an awful lot and are very glad we found them there.

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  1. Oh my gosh, I hate the Renaissance festival. I went a couple of years ago and vowed never to go back. At least you didn't pay for the tickets :-)

  2. There is a big one here too, but we have never gone. We've heard some things that have made us decide we didn't need to go...glad your day was redeemed by the awesome mugs!

    I love pottery!


  3. Oooh, love the mugs though, and every time you use them they will bring back fond memories of the fiasco of the Ren. festival that you endured together:>) Sharing less than satisfactory experiences is a kind of bond too don't you think?

  4. They are great mugs....I'm glad that you at least found those.

  5. I have to agree with you...once...before kids even...was enough for me! But the mugs are gorgeous! Nicely done...hope all is well with all of you!


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