Saturday, July 31, 2010

Talent show

A little late with this but here it is anyhow:

My girls weren't interested in being in the talent show at Nationals. Then the boys on their team wanted to do a Casting Crowns song but wanted Julianne to play the piano and Allison to sing, while they played guitar and drums. The girls readily agreed. Julianne explained that she didn't mind participating, she just didn't have any ideas of what to do. I'm so glad for this combined team because they challenge and stretch each other and it's good for all of them.

I took this picture while they were practicing. I couldn't get as good a shot during their actual performance.
They performed "Until the Whole World Hears" and did an excellent job. All the kids who participated were very talented and it was an enjoyable evening.

Since nationals, they've performed it again at both our church and the boys' church. We moms are encouraging them to start practicing another song and keep the band going. Do you think we might be groupies?
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Where to start?

July has flown by. Summer is like that, isn't it?

The girls each celebrated birthdays this month. Julianne is 15 now and Allison is 13.

Leta has spent some time with us this month, too.
I just realized I have a post in draft about the talent show at quiz nationals that I intended to post weeks ago. It's old news now but since blogging is the closest I come to scrapbooking, I'll probably post it anyhow.
There are the pictures on my memory card from this past month to share, too.
Much to do, much to do. And summer is quickly slipping away...
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camp season

Julianne decided a few years ago that kid's camp wasn't for her. When Allison leaves for horse camp, Julianne basks in being an only child for a few days and has a list of things she wants to do to make our time without Allison special.

Allison, however, is not forgotten while she's gone. We try to send her emails every day to let her know we miss her and keep her up to date on what's happening here.

A couple years ago, Julianne was inspired to write Allison a message in the form of an epistle, after doing Galatians as part of their quiz material for the year. Last year, when they studied Luke, she styled her note after that. This year, of course, is modeled after I Corinthians. She is generously allowing me to share this year's letter with all of you. Enjoy!

Julianne, a follower of Christ Jesus and your sister by the will of God, and our parents Clarence and Karen.

To Allison at horse camp.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I always thank God for you when you are away, for I realize how helpful you are to us. For you have been made helpful in every way- in all your sisterly, auntie, and daughterly duties- because... well, I'm not sure why. But I am thankful for it. God, who has called you into fellowship with his son, Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.
I appeal to you, sister, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you are not jealous of me when I tell you what I had for breakfast. My sister, some from Brazil came to our church for a potluck. What I mean is this: One brings tuna salad, one brings cinnamon rolls, one brings homemade salsa with lots of cilantro, and one brings honey-roasted zucchini with feta and blueberry buckle. (There was actually more food than that, dear sister, but you understand.) Are there any leftover cinnamon rolls? Was the salsa good? Was there onions in the tuna salad?
(No, yes, and I don't know. I didn't have any tuna salad. You will have to ask our father.) I am thankful that there was some blueberry buckle left, so that I could have it for breakfast.
Where is the wise guy? He's at work, his vacation doesn't start until Monday. Where is the scholar? She's at horse camp. Where is the philosopher of this age? I don't know, I haven't talked to them lately.
Sister, think of places the cat would sleep before you left. Not many were on the ground, not many were in my room, and not many was he always sleeping in. But the emperor chose the sleeping bag instead of a pillow, the emperor chose a pink blanket over your rug. He chose what was not there Saturday and is not there today, to sleep on, so that he could be petted and cuddled by Leta. It is because of this that he is upset with me, who rolled up the sleeping bag, to take it to camp.
When I came to you, sister, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I talked to you about horse camp. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you that would make your counselor want to send me away. (What that would be, I don't know.) I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My conversation and my questions were not with wise and persuasive words, but coming from my own head, so that you would not be embarrassed by me in front of your friends.
However, as I write:
No eye has seen,
no ear has heard, (Although, the corn is standing back up in our garden in order to listen.)
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him by the hands of the people at Victoria's,
but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.

I am sure that you search all the food, even the deep dish of salad. For who knows where a Gordon Food Service tomato product might be lurking? In the same way, no one knows what they will serve for food at camp.
Therefore, my sister, stand firm in the barn. Let nothing move you. Always drink lots of water, because you know that they do not give you any other liquids and you do not want to get dehydrated.
My love to you in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Surprise Adventure

As we packed up to leave Bible Quiz Nationals, I noticed a license plate on a vehicle parked near ours. Hmm...what a great idea. Let's do it!

Actually, it had nothing to do with the license plate and everything to do with birthdays, pen pals, and a big surprise.

You can find the story on Becky's blog.
We had so much fun! We got there Saturday evening in time for a wonderful meal prepared by Chelsea and Becky, followed by a trip to a local dairy for ice cream. After that, the kids went swimming while Warren and Becky took us to see Warren's place of employment.
Sight and Sound was very impressive and, as we looked around the lobby and talked with Becky's mom Ruth when she wasn't busy, Warren got permission for us to go in and see the last half of the performance. It was incredible! Let me encourage you that it is worth the trip just to attend one of their performances. Amazing!
But, the fun wasn't over by far. Sunday we enjoyed breakfast with Georgia (Warren's mom) and headed off to join their congregation in worship. We loved the family integrated service and I had the opportunity to meet another long-time blog friend, Mrs. Rabe (and hold her new little granddaughter for a few minutes!)
We headed back to Becky and Warren's for Chelsea's birthday party and enjoyed meeting and talking with more people from their church. I got to meet Bee, whose blog I recently discovered from a link Becky posted, and Kelly, whose blog I am looking forward to reading. I was surprised by Bee-I don't think I had seen her profile picture when I visited her blog so I expected someone older than she is, because I think she writes with so much wisdom.
We enjoyed grilled pizza before heading over to the Rabes to watch fireworks.
The girls decided to be fireworks, too.

They didn't seem to mind being downwind of the smoke.

Cute Sarah tried to teach something to Julianne but Julianne says she never got it quite right.
I promised to post a picture of Becky and me but since she posted one just like mine, I should be excused, shouldn't I?
I've still got a post in draft about the talent show at nationals, too. I feel so very behind...
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Chelsea!

guest post by Julianne

Today a special friend of mine has a birthday. Chelsea and I found out that we are "Kindred spirits" when we became pen pals just over a year ago. When I celebrated my birthday five days ago, Chelsea wrote me a haiku. I loved it, and decided when I read it that I would write one (or more) for her.

Today is the sixth
Celebration continues
Chelsea turns 15

Last year, Chelsea and I went on what we called the "Perfect Birthday Campaign." We did this by giving our parents lots of subtle hints, such as, "Do you know what it would take to make my 15th birthday perfect? Meeting my pen pal!" My mom told me that she didn't see how we would be able to do that. Sadly, Chelsea and I had to put our campaign on hold until next year.

At least, that's what we thought.

That's what my mom thought too, until she and Dad realized that he had a long weekend off work because of Independence Day.
Then... (insert suspenceful music here)

Amazing mothers
Secretly plotting surprise
Enter the story


You can read more about it here.

Our first-time meeting
Sparkly tiaras were worn
Double birthday gift.

Or maybe I should say, "Triple birthday gift" because Allison enjoyed meeting Chelsea almost as much as I did...

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Thursday, July 1, 2010


Julianne turned 15 today. Knowing she would be at Nationals for her special day, she informed us that she wanted a tiara to wear-so that is what Allison gave her.

Our group sang "Happy Birthday" to her at breakfast, then I enlisted her teammate to get this group of kids to sing it again at dinner.

Julianne almost had to be restrained or she would have exited the cafeteria. She told me once was enough, but she'll make an exception and let us sing when we have her cake at home

Our friends suggested DQ after chapel tonight so we walked downtown for a treat.

The poor little ice cream addict finally got a yummy treat to celebrate her birthday. (It didn't occur to me that I could have gotten her an ice cream cake from DQ while we were here.) Chocolate has been in short supply all week, and ice cream non-existent. I'm not thinking this will be the college of choice for her.

As for the quizzing...the team remained undefeated so will be taking home a first place trophy from the awards banquet tomorrow. Julianne thought she was knocked out of the individual competition but she ended up making it to the semi-finals tomorrow. I know she'd appreciate prayer as it is incredibly stressful to compete in individuals at Nationals. Allison didn't move up so she gets to relax tomorrow.

I'll try to post the pics from the talent show in the next couple of days.