Friday, July 30, 2010

Where to start?

July has flown by. Summer is like that, isn't it?

The girls each celebrated birthdays this month. Julianne is 15 now and Allison is 13.

Leta has spent some time with us this month, too.
I just realized I have a post in draft about the talent show at quiz nationals that I intended to post weeks ago. It's old news now but since blogging is the closest I come to scrapbooking, I'll probably post it anyhow.
There are the pictures on my memory card from this past month to share, too.
Much to do, much to do. And summer is quickly slipping away...
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  1. It is nice to see the smiling faces of those very special girls.

    I can't wait to hear more....and it was so sweet to talk with you the other evening. Thanks for the call.

    Becky K.

  2. You are right...summer is flying by! I cannot believe it's almost August already! Happy belated birthday to your girls!

  3. You must post! We miss you and this is the only way we can see you!

    I do understand about the the summer quickly slipping away...It is August tomorrow for pity's sake!

    Where has the summer gone?


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!