Thursday, March 26, 2009

French Sweet Bread

I shared some bread recipes with Becky, from Hospitality Lane, recently. She tried the French Sweet Bread and seems as hooked on it as my family is. The thing is, I don't make this bread year 'round. I usually make it around the holidays, as gifts and for family dinners sometimes, and then again in summer to use for French toast when we are camping. (It is my very, very favorite bread for French toast.)

Becky made it, liked it, and made it again. And again. It seemed like I was always seeing a picture of it or she mentioned it in passing on her blog. I was craving it.

She posted about it yesterday and this morning I had to mix some up. I decided to share the recipe here because I have never heard of anyone who didn't like this bread. In fact, it brought a pretty high price at fund-raising auctions our church has held. It's kinda well known around there due to those pastor and Sunday school teacher gifts from Christmases past.

I double the recipe when making this bread. As I might have mentioned, it makes the best French toast so I always want enough to use for that after my family eats their fill of it fresh.

When I warm the milk, I add the butter to it to melt. Just make sure you let it cool before it goes in with the other ingredients.

I used to make this by hand but now I use a mixer. A double batch is almost beyond its capacity, but not quite.

See? Once mixed, it fits in the bowl just fine.

My girls have been drooling all morning, waiting for the bread to be done. The house smells yummy.

French Sweet Bread

1 package dry yeast
1/4 cup lukewarm water
1 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt (I omit the salt unless using unsalted butter, then use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon)
6 tablespoons melted butter
4 cups flour (4 to 4 1/2 cups total)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Dissolve yeast in water. Heat milk to lukewarm. In a different bowl, combine egg, sugar, cinnamon and salt, if using.
2. Add yeast, milk and 4 Tablespoons butter and mix again. Add flour gradually till it can be gathered into a soft ball. Blend in remaining flour with fingers.
3. Turn out onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic. Use remaining butter to keep fingers from sticking. Don't use any more flour.
4. Place in lightly oiled bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled. Punch down and knead a few times. Divide in half, then divide each half into 3 pieces and roll each piece between hands into a long rope.
5. Braid ropes from middle, pinching ends together. Form into ring if desired, place on oiled baking sheet.
6. Cover and let double. Bake at 350º F for 30-45 minutes.

You know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow, don't you?
Edited to add a link to LifeAsMom's baked goods recipe swap.
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  1. Warren is pretty sure I will get over making bread all of the time but I don't know. I love, love, love the feel of it when I knead it and the fact that it grows and is just so delightfully smelling.

    I wouldn't have made it that time in the middle but I knew I was taking dinner to friends and wanted them to try it.

    Now they are hooked too. It was the Rabes. She'll be making her's soon.

    I made two more loaves of white bread today. I want to share with our Moms.

    Thanks Karen for helping me get started with this new fun hobby that is helpful to the family.

    I did tell Warren that I am turning into a Pillsbury Doughgirl.

  2. I have had this bread and I LOVE it! Maybe you can send a loaf down with Clarence for your poor sis in law who doesn't have time to

  3. This is possibly the best bread I've ever had. I could eat half a loaf of it on my own everyday and be blissfully happy lol. Are you going to make some for easter??? :) hehehe love you!

  4. looks delicious . . . thanks for the recipe . . . i think i'll have to try it. :)

  5. not sure why is showed up anonymous but the post above was from me (kathleen). :)

  6. Hi, my name's Melissa and i came over from Mrs. Rabe's blog. She's my Aunt! Anyway, i just wanted to say Hello.

    Your bread looks wonderful and i want to try baking some soon.

    My husband has celiac so he can't eat wheat flour but i'm going to try to make this with his gluten free flour. Your pictures just look SO yummy! And I love the smell of bread baking!

  7. bread is my weakness, and these look so tasty.

  8. Those are beautiful loaves of bread. I am bookmarking this recipe to try very soon. We love homemade bread ay my house.

  9. hi!! i am gonna make this and put this on my site soon! we will see how i go! thanks :)

  10. I made this bread today, it was delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe.


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