Monday, October 12, 2009

Shirt to Skirt

I saw an idea in a magazine a few months back and shared it with Julianne. It was how to transform a man's shirt into a woman's skirt. She was intrigued.

We picked up a couple shirts at Salvation Army for $1 each so she could experiment.

She chose to start with a red plaid.

I removed the pocket for her, then she started cutting. The project got put aside for a while for various reasons and when she pulled it out again, I was surprised to see that she had embellished the pocket. Cute idea, and not one that the magazine article had suggested. I love her creativity.

We finally got around to purchasing some cording for the drawstring, which was the final delay. Last week, she stitched the pocket in its new location, turned down the top and sewed it, then learned how to make buttonholes on my sewing machine and threaded the drawstring through.

(I'm kicking myself for not taking a detail shot of her crocheted flower on the pocket.)

The drawstring didn't look good to me with her fancy embellished pocket so I encouraged her to tuck it in. I'm thinking elastic might be a better idea the next time.
Overall, it was a pretty simple project. Julianne was able to pick up a couple new sewing skills in the process and is tickled with her new skirt.
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  1. If you hadn't shown the shirt first I would have a very hard time believing that this really was the same fabric. Very cute! Now Julianne knows more about sewing than I do! I have never made button holes.


  2. Adorable! I see Juju being a fashion designer some day:>) By the way, if you click on the last pic it gets big enough to really see the fabulous trim on the pocket:>)

  3. That is so interesting! She did a great job. She is so creative.

  4. Cute makeover of that shirt! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I was thinking about you guys this week since my daughter quizmastered for the first time this season. Good luck with the Bible quizzing this year!

  5. Awesome! I so wished I had learned to sew, my momma tried to teach me, but I was such a tom-boy. I was into showing sheep and riding horses!!

  6. That is so cool!
    Julianne, you're so creative!


  7. Wow, there's pretty much no crafty talent they can't pick up is there? I love them both!!! Making skirts and cutting out chickens with power tools... they are obviously awesome. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


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