Saturday, November 8, 2008

November Quiz Results

It's that time again.

Time for me to bore you with the results of our day spent Bible quizzing.

In individual competition, the girls are in different divisions, based on their ages/experience. Allison made it through prelims to finals, then came in 5th place overall in the Young Teen Rookie division.

Julianne got the first place medal in the Young Teen Veteran division.

They had a three person team today, too! That makes it more fun, as well as being a strategic advantage.

Their team brought home a first place trophy for the combined divisions of Young Teen Veteran/Senior Teen Rookie.

This month's quiz was small. In November, the teams have an option of going to Indiana for a regional quiz or attending this in-state one. This means fewer teams for them to compete against. The girls knew when we registered this morning that they were bringing home a trophy because there were only three teams in the combined division. But they still worked hard to be sure they got first place.

As always, we are so proud of both of them!
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  1. I am one proud Aunt! I am so proud of the hard work you both put into your quizzing,and I LOVE bragging about you at church to the opposing team:>) COngratulations on doing so well. I love you!

  2. Great job girls!! Soak it into your heart!!

  3. WOW great job girls! I am so proud of you!!!!! I must admit, it's difficult to be away at school so that I can't brag on sunday mornings... but considering the fact that rubbing in peoples' faces how amazing and smart my cousins are is not EXACTLY what Jesus would do, maybe its a good thing. May I just point out that David Bain looks like he's in a lineup rather than receiving a reward? LOL! I love you girls!

  4. I just love that they do the Bible quizzing! So awesome!


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