Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Learning something new

Editing note: *Blogger lost my pictures yesterday so I redid both posts.*
A friend of ours offered to teach the girls and I how to make fondant flowers. We started by learning how to make roses. They aren't all that difficult but do take some time. I was encouraged by how good our first attempts looked.
Our friend, Vicky, is working on flowers for her son's wedding cake and was so kind to take the time to teach us today. She offered to teach us some more in a few weeks-once the wedding is over.
We spent most of the day with her and had a great time. Lots of laughs, silliness, and great conversation.
Here Allison is doing the first step to make a daisy-type flower.
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1 comment:

  1. Omigosh - can you send your friend my way? I have always wanted to learn how to do that. I kept meaning to sign up for classes at the local baking supply store and then they went out of business. What a lost opportunity.

    I love seeing our children learning and embracing these kinds of crafts. You daughters could start their own cake decorating business!


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